Hochul Hwang

I am passionate about building robots that enhance mobility for people. Please refer to my CV for details.


I am a Ph.D. stduent in the Dynamic and Autonomous Robotics Systems Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst advised by Donghyun Kim. I am leading the development of a guide dog robot, with my research focusing on robot perception, planning, and human-robot interaction:

Perception and planning for safe long-term autonomy. Developing robust navigation and trajectory following models by learning generalizable representations from real-world human demonstrations, enabling safe and efficient guidance for human users.

Human-robot interaction for real-world deployment. Analyzing dynamic interactions between human-robot teams and factors such as trust and personalization to facilitate deployment beyond the development phase.


Jun 27, 2024 🏅 Our UR’24 paper has been nominated in the Finalist (top 9 papers of all submissions)!
Apr 27, 2024 🏆 Our CHI’24 paper has won the Best Paper Award (top 1% of all submissions)!
Apr 5, 2024 Our paper submitted to UR’24 got accepted!
Jan 24, 2024 Our paper submitted to CHI’24 got accepted! Take a moment to watch our preview video.
Jan 18, 2023 Our paper submitted to ICRA’23 got accepted! Please check out our demo video (with audio).